The Sailor Neopets RPG

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Bird Sin Gayle

Name: Bird Sin Gayle
Age: 15
Birthday: 10th of Celebrating
Blood type: O
Family: A mother living in the Lost Desert - the widow Karma Sin Gayle.
Likes: Stylish and expensive clothing labels, ethnic jewelery and broaches, interior design, cult classics, Indie music, advising others, Yoga, history, Eyries, and walks on sunset lit beaches followed by a luxurious bubble bath.
Dislikes: Grundos, control freaks, duct tape, under accessorized or unstylish people, most meat, ice cream or donuts, Fire Faeries, Lost Desert foods, home economics, people that challenge her social status or denounce her intelligence because of her popularity.
Hobbies: Collecting antiques, theatre arts, pampering her pets, collecting music, and playing the piano and electric guitar.

Pets:  Nichlls (pronounced "nickels") is perhaps the friendliest Eyrie you’ll ever meet. His bubbly purple tint adds to his welcoming appearance. This warm little Eyrie is not the dangerously fierce sort and sometimes a coward.  Bird will pamper him to no end.
History: Bird was raised in the Lost Desert on several acres of land that her entire family tree was centered around. Her intermediate family’s estate is in the middle of the inherited property, which itself is to the east of Sakhmet’s city palace. Bird was very close to her father, Canaan, perhaps because of her natural spirit of independence which her mother as a quiet house wife lacked. However, during the invasion on Sakhmet Canaan was killed by a Grundo Warrior as he struggled to protect his wife, Karma. During the confusion Bird came out from the house and witnessed his death, along with the arrival of a squad of oddly clad heroines. Though the mysterious girls saved her mother Bird felt she could not connect anymore at home. In her father’s death she was willed half of his wealth, while her mother had the other half and all of his material possessions and the estate. In the depression that fell on the family after the incident, Bird left for Neopia Central in an attempt to start over. At her new school she made friends with the popular crowd due to her fortune and belongings. What started as friendships based on materialistic means evolved into real connections that Bird views as true as a friendship between any other two girls. She and Gami Tenbo are best friends and center a lot of their social lives and futures around each other, like any real friendship.
Appearance: Bird is tall and thin - the stereotypical good-looking It Girl with a chance at modeling. Her hair is naturally straight-as-a-board and thin, making it notably soft. The ends touch just at the hips and are kept to look freshly cut. She always has her hair in a stylish up do or fixed to a degree, but rarely just “as is”. Besides the variety of her look though, the hair color is what stands out. It is mainly a dark chestnut brown with white roots and a thick, nearly two inches in width, white color to her ends. In line with her eyes on the sides of her head are Eyrie like ears that feel like mink and are the color of terracotta. She inherits these rare features from her great grandmother - anthropomorphic Eyrie. She makes the best of her looks and treats them as an asset to pierce and decorate with earrings.
Personality: Bird is Gami’s best friend, but that doesn’t mean she’s just as egotistical.  She has a way of being friends with her and still keeping a warm air about her.  Yes, she’ll laugh at Gami’s jokes but won’t necessarily make any of her own.  Though a bit more kind than her hotheaded friend, Bird is still incredibly high maintenance and opinionated on serious debates.  She’ll always want the last word – or last laugh – and has some serious pride issues.  But she doesn’t find her esteem in picking on others.  As for the Sailor Neopets, she cooperates in the cause of it all and makes Gami tag along with her on missions.  Though not particularly enthused on the idea of the SN “clique”, she still tends to hang out with Gami rather than other soldiers while at school.  Bird likes the idea of a challenge, though she dislikes those that question her social standing and personality. However, she has a deep respect for those who go out on a limb in search of individuality and lifestyle. Her friendship with Celeste is an example of this.

Sailor Eyrie

Henshin: Bird holds up her right arm and snaps her fingers, where in her transformation pen appears. She chants “Eyrie Neo Power, Make-Up!” and strikes a pose. Blinding gold light centered around her collar bone area grows and then retracts to reveal her fuku and large wings.
Primary Color: Light mule
Secondary Color: Denim blue
Attack: Eyrie Feather - Sailor Eyrie’s hands reach for the ground below her feet. A spiraling mass of glowing white feathers follow the path of her hands, which draw up over her head as her legs lock together. As the circle of feathers increase in speed, they join together to create tinkling golden spheres that hover over her fingertips. She thrusts her arms forward and the spheres are hurled at the adversary. The ethereal speed of the orbs combined with the equally inconceivably powerful wind as the air is pushed away from them makes for a huge force driving towards the enemy. The goal of the attack is to get the enemy of her feet or hurt as the wind pushes them back. The spheres circle back like a boomerang to Sailor Eyrie’s palms, where they dissipate in her fists.
Adaptations: A pair of denim blue wings sprout from her back in a cloud of glittering white dust during the transformation period. Not only are they such a dark shade of blue, but they have a perpetual layer of the white dust across the feathers. (Magic dust has a tendency to not disappear, no matter how much seems to shake off during disturbances.) Unlike Sailor Shoyru, who relies on her magically abilities to propel her wings, Sailor Eyrie musters her own strength to make herself airborne. Even short occurrences of using her wings strains her body and wastes a lot of personal energy. She avoids using them in battle.