The Sailor NeoPets RPG
Series One
Episode Twenty-Four

Tammy Naeco was asleep in homeroom again, dreaming of swimming. She loves to swim, and that's the reason for her last name. Naeco is ocean spelled backwards - a simple yet meaningful name.

"Tammy, Tammy, Tammy Naeco!" Ah yes, the first words of her substitute teacher. "Come back to Neopia Tammy, Neopia to Tammy. Runway is clear for landing!" At this point the class was giggling, but nothing too harsh yet.

"Huh? Wha?" After a moment of that sleepy feeling, Tammy got a grip on reality. "Sorry, so sorry!" The class couldn't help but laugh as Tammy realized what was going on.

She sat up and began looking through her papers when a "thump" was heard in the hallway. "Oh no! Not again!" There could only be one possible explanation: MrSippy.

The next sound they heard didn't bother Tammy who was preoccupied with the thump, but it bothered some of her classmates: the scream of the school secretary: Miss. Johnson. Some of her classmates sprang to their feet, including the sub. Tammy meanwhile ran to her locker after a second "thump." She opened it up and an extremely flustered cloud quiggle fell out, almost thrice its natural size.


A tidal wave of water rushed at Tammy, knocking her down. Her quiggle had just used a VERY powerful attack (for a quiggle). He then ran down the hall.

"Sippy! ARG! Its not my fault you stowawayed, don't attack me!" Tammy grabbed her backpack and ran after her quiggle and finally caught up to him. Sippy was standing stock-still in the hallway watching a very strange scene. There stood five Sailor NeoPets (Lupe, Usul, Moehog, and Zafara to be exact), and a big green mutant grundo.

Sippy began to fill with water. "No! They'll see us!" exclaimed Tammy. But Sippy let loose, a large amount of water  lunged from his mouth, yet the grundo was not distracted. That grundo was just watching the senshi. In a flash he grabbed Sailor Moehog.

"Moehog!" all of the senshi yelled in unison.

Tammy had no idea what was going on, but she would soon find out. The grundo ran off carrying the girl. All the others followed, but they were too late - he ran inside Sloth's large purple space ship and hovered off the ground, then took off. The senshi watched helplessly, then suddenly realized Tammy was with them.

"This is strange..." Tammy said, attracting the others' attention, as she continued to watch in awe.

"Look! It's that girl who was asleep in homeroom!" one of the senshi exclaimed. She wore a green and silver fuku and had green pigtails in her hair...kinda like Zelda, as a matter of fact...

"Huh? NO!" Sailor Lupe, her name obvious by her hair and the ears on her headband, ran towards Tammy,  grabbed her shoulders, and shook her. "How much did you see?"

"Umm...I saw you guys attack that mutant?" Tammy picked up her quiggle. "I'm  Tammy and this is MrSippy!" She held up the quiggle, who had just spontaneously fallen asleep.

A shorthaired sailor ran up at that point; she had also heard the noise, but a very annoying math teacher made her get a hall pass.

"He's so cute!" Sailor Zafara spotted Mrsippy and hugged the frog, but MrSippy doesn't like hugs. He began to inflate with water and then hit her with a wave of water. Zafara didn't take this sitting down of course; she whacked MrSippy with her agenda. Tammy put her flustered quiggle back into her backpack.

"Okay...Anyway, Shoyru! We need to go chase the Grundo responsible. Spread your wings!" Sailor Lupe commanded the shorthaired girl; it seemed Lupe was the leader.

"Shoyru Hover!" Suddenly magic wings sprouted from Sailor Shoyru's back! Tammy was totally awestruck.

"Everyone hang on!" Shoyru yelled as all of the senshi took hold of her arms and back. She didn't seem at all weakened by their weight. Just before they were going to fly, Sailor Peophin appeared.

"My not good senses are tingling! What's wrong?" She looked at all of the sailors on Shoyru then at Tammy.

"Oh nothing really, just trying to save Moehog's life. She was captured by Sloth just a moment ago!" Usul was obviously sarcastic and put on a fake smile. Peophin was just going to get on Shoyru's back when a low growling was heard. A huge blue Lupe, very big mind you, ran out of a science room with a  small girl in his mouth. He headed straight for Tammy and that girl RAN!

Sailor Lupe made a split-second decision. "Peophin, go help Tammy. Shoyru, take off with the rest of us. We don't have any time to waste." So Sailor Peophin ran after Tammy and the others ran back outside and took flight. Tammy took off her  backpack and kept running while looking for something. She found a chia plushie and turned and threw it at the Lupe. "Well, there goes MrSippy's toy..." she mumbled.

"GRRR!" The Lupe dropped his small prey and began to sniff the plushie. Tammy took the girl and ran into a luckily empty classroom. Peophin was short to follow and they looked at the girl for an explanation.

"My science project went crazy!" The girl screamed, quite stunned. MrSippy sat next to the girl and wet her forehead lightly.

"Just stay here and rest." Tammy turned and then saw the huge lupe again. He ran for the door, his mouth was open and he leaped into the door and crashed into the room.

Before she could even scream, Tammy saw an ornate wine glass, very pretty, with a blue and white pen inside. She picked up the pen and the famous words entered her mind...

"QUIGGLE NEO POWER MAKE-UP!" A swirl of quiggle bubbles surrounded her and as they popped Sailor Quiggle could be seen.

"Now attack!" Peophin jumped out closer to the maniac Lupe.

"Huh? How?" Quiggle came out and stared up at the titanic Lupe.

"Watch and learn young grasshopper! PEOPHIN SPLASH!" Sailor Peophin took down  the Lupe in only one surge of water.

"Quiggle Squirt!" exclaimed Sailor Quiggle. She chucked a ball of water at the lupe and  finished him off. The small girl walked out just as Peophin, Quiggle, and Mrsippy ran outside.At this point, Shoyru, Lupe, Usul, and Zafara were  out of sight.

"Do you have a plan to catch up?" Peophin looked at Tammy and they looked around. "Hmm..." Just as Peophin spotted the river that runs by the school. Tammy thought of something.


They both ran towards the dock and dived off into the water. "This river goes really far, some people use it to get  to school. Maybe we can catch up if there is a current!" Quiggle then used her other ability: her hands and feet became webbed just like Mrsippy. Peophin also had a similar ability and her legs formed a peophin  tail. They were soon followed by a reluctant MrSippy who quickly climed into Quiggle's backpack. "So, whats your name?" she asked as they swam.

Peophin was quite reluctant at first, but then replied "Zoe Amaryou."

"I'm Tammy Naeco."

Meanwhile. Usul was about to be voted off the flight with her constant "Are we there yet?" Quiggle and Peophin continued to swim and were getting closer until the whole gang was in sight.

"I see them! USUL! LUPE! Arg, its no use, they can't hear us!" Peophin shouted for a while, but it was when Quiggle threw a ball of water at the fliers that they were finally noticed.

Lupe looked down as a ball of water splatted her in the side. "Who's that down there with peophin, in fuku?"

"Tammy?!" they all yelled in unison. Shoyru dived down and was then holding 5 senshi, and Mrsippy sat on her head.

"Hey, what's that?" Lupe had spotted a giant purple space ship! "It's Sloth's ship, with that grundo! Lets go!"


"Usul...!" They all stared in annoyance as they flew towards the door of the ship, Moehog was screaming inside.

"No...HELP! Not Sloth's mother! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The whole  gang jumped onto the platform and then rushed inside the door to save Moehog. The attacks began inside: Lupe Lunge, Peophin Splash, Quiggle Squirt, and more. There were senshi jumping at the grundo, actually grundos, and grundos jumping at the senshi. One grundo bit Lupe's arm as another was smashed against the wall by a beam of Qiggle's water. It seemed the senshi were winning when the grundos began to shoot laser guns, fortunatly most of the senshi were fast enough to dodge these. This went on for quite a while but the grundos soon became annoyed and ran off. The senshi climbed back outside and jumped off the platform onto shoyrus wings.

"'Good to see ya!' 'Great to have ya back' 'Moehog!'" Everyone greeted Moehog as they flew back towards the school.

"Nice to meet you Moehog, I am Tammy aka Sailor Quiggle." Tammy smiled and  shook moehogs hand and so did Mrsippy.

Tammy enjoyed the adventure and knew there were plenty more to come, why just that night they had a sleepover and  Tammy found a krawk's nesting area in her pool.

Thats another story though...