Sailor Skeith

Kaida Welsh
Kaida is a Japanese name that means "little dragon" and Welsh because the symbol of Wales is a dragon.
September 25 (Skeith Day)
Zodiac sign: Libra

Red and down to her chin
175 lbs
Blood type: AB
Age: 15

Likes: Food, medatation, inner peace, her body, family, Skeiths.
Dislikes: People who call her fat; physical activity; Kacheeks and other small, annoying, rodent-like Neopets.
Strengths: Patient, doesn't get angry easily, smart, good at poetry.
Weaknesses: Does not see she has a weight problem, when she gets angry she gets VERY angry, bossy.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, medatating, knitting, likes to talk about deep topics.

Family: Parents, younger sister, Skeith (Princess), and sister's Tonu.

Kaida Welsh is slow, patient, peaceful, and romantic. She has dreams of being a great poet and donating millions of Neopoints to the Soup Kitchen and the Money Tree. But she has a temper that sometimes even her deep breaths and meditation can't hide. She can be bossy, trying to force her inner peace on others; she is resentful of people who cannot seem to see her side of things. She is a hippie. She was recently dumped by her boyfriend, Tim Dickinson, and is pretty upset about it; she writes poetry about him.

One of Kaida's problems is that she thinks that her bossiness is just because she wants to help people, and she really does, but other people just see it as rudeness and she doesn't know how to help. She feels very pressured by her parents, who have always stressed hippy ideals without realizing that they just want her to find her own path in her life and do her own thing. She is opinionated and somewhat moody; she tries to control her moods with meditation, and she tries to be intuitive.

Aura color: Light brown
Secondary: Salmon
Transformation: Like that of Sailor Mars except the fire is blue.
Attack: Skeith Stomp - she stomps and the vibration goes to her opponents and knocks them over and hurts them.
Uniform: Two ribbons go aruond Sailor Skeith's stomach, crossing it in the shape of an X.  The triangular section below the X is cut out, and you can see her pierced belly button.