Sailor Korbat

Her name: Venus (Goddess of Love) Anandini (which means Permanent Happiness)
Her age: Thirteen
Her birthday: January 27th
Her Bloodtype: A
Her Family: None

She Likes: Helping people find love! Also pop and country music, her pets, and her friends.
She Dislikes: Rock music, evil chias, the color bright green, and MEERCAS!
Her personality: Venus is not shy. She is just a little happy teenager. She just tries to make everyone smile and laugh! She is never blue and will always help a friend in need!

Her Appearance: Venus has sparkling blue eyes! Her silky shining blonde hair curls around her face, and she has soft peach skin.
Her Hobbies: Reading books, going to school and not being late, talking on the phone all day and talking to her NeoPets!
Her Favorite Subjects: Math, science, history, geography, and art (though she isn't that good)
History: When she was no older than one her parents died in a car crash. She is looking for a mom or dad to adopt her but nobody has adopted her yet.

GiggleWings18 - a speckled Shoyru! Venus just won't let go of GiggleWings. GiggleWings is very easily loved and very caring.
AmericanAngelWings - a blue Poogle. Angel is hard to take care of because she likes causing trouble but Venus will always love her!
Last but not least, HollyBayBie - a red Korbat. She is the youngest and easily loved like her older sister GiggleWings, and has a very funny laugh!

Henshin - Venus holds up her wand and says: "Korbat Neo Power, Make Up!" Pink swirls surround her and she becomes Sailor Korbat and is not Venus no more!
Attack - Sailor Korbat says "Korbat Claw!" And claws shoot out of her hands and cut up the enemy badly!
Aura: Lavender (close to light pink)
Secondary color: Dark purple