Sailor Aisha

Bones and YoYos: A match made in the Pound

Names: Pandi “Bones” Bon

Birthday/Zodiac sign: April 5/ Aires 

Blood type: O.o

Family: Pandi, or Bones, as her Aisha calls her, is a human/ faerie cross, and lives by herself, but has a with father. Balthazar captured her mother when Pandi was only 5. 

Age: 16, but only for this year ^_-

Pets: Pandi’s only pet is her red, scruffy Aisha, YoMine_87, or more affectionately known as YoYo. YoYo was abandoned at the pound at an early age, and was bunking with a rather large Lupe with a mean disposition about whose food was who’s for quite a while. This has made YoYo…err...a bit possessive about objects that could, or possibly could (in his opinion), be edible and Lupes in general. 

School: Pandi attends the Faerie Arts School in Faerie City (go figure) and is very talented at painting and carving. Her mother was an extremely talented artist, and Pandi has decided to act out her mother’s goals.
Bow down to her almighty powers! Muhahahaaa *chokes*

Transformation: Aisha Neo Power, MAKE UP!

Little pieces of glitter (dark and light purple) fall on her body completely covering her silhouette that’s cloaked with blinding white light. When she appears, she’s fully transformed, wings and all.

Henshin pen: Like all the other senshis pens, but dark purple and light lavender in color.

Attack: Aisha Saber Fangs – Aisha her clasps her hands making a ‘fanged’ appearance, and pulls her hands away from each other pulling her top hand upwards and her bottom hand downwards, and a great fanged mouth appears and bursts towards the enemy, causing several (hopefully) cuts and gashes.

Powers in normal form: Having wings is cool, but not if you cant use them to fly! Pandi cant fly, as her wings are much to small to lift her that long, BUT she can levitate when she wants (usually to move out of the way, when she’s bored, or if its just to bamboozle people.)

What she’s like…

She loves to manipulate. Pandi enjoys freaking people out, and is extremely good at playing mind games on people and animals. Pandi would rather dress to shock you, so if you were to give her a pencil, she’d probably wear it clipped to her nose or something ridiculous of the sort. She also has a fetish for stripes of any direction, color, or size. People are sometimes warded off by her outstanding and loud personality. She speaks what’s on her mind, and doesn’t care who hears. Some people would label her ‘punk’, but she could care less, as she does nothing to cause trouble, so let ‘them’, this could possibly help to confuse ‘them’ later….(like dressing like a preppy girl with pink frills.)

What does a Human/Faerie hybrid look like?

Her hair and eyes are just as outstanding though. Her hair is always changing, but she likes it up in two messy buns on each side of her head, with little tails that reach her shoulders. It constantly is changing colors due to Pandi’s newfound love of mixing hair colors to get a ‘dazzling’ effect. Her eyes are almost ethereal, being both bright blue when happy and yellow gold when angered (which is rare for this laidback chica).

What freaks people out more than her clothes, antics, hair, or eyes, are her tiny wings, each attached the their shoulder in bright, glowing, purple-ness. Being half faerie has its costs to a human child. Nothing that bothers her, though, she thinks it gives an edge.

Being 5 ft exactly on the dot shows off more of her faerie inheritance, but it just gives more spunk to the punk (sorry couldn’t help it XD)